Spacewalking astronauts stymied by sticky bolts

(AP)—Sticky bolts proved too much for spacewalking astronauts Thursday, forcing them to leave a new power-switching box dangling from the International Space Station instead of bolted down.

Bobsled runs -- fast and yet safe

Lightning fast, the sled bolts down the icy run. Will the team make it to the finish faster than their competitors? The tension in the crowd depends partly on the run itself: the faster the sleds can travel on the run, the ...

Venezuela turns to cloud-seeding to battle drought

(AP) -- Hugo Chavez says he is starting to "bombard" clouds now that Cuba has provided Venezuela with cloud-seeding help in an effort to produce rain and alleviate the effects of a severe drought.

David Bowie 'constellation' – the surprising truth

The death of David Bowie has caused people to remember the artist in many different ways. Only recently a request for a Bowie Constellation was reportedly put forward by Belgian radio channel Studio Brussels and the MIRA ...

First MeerKAT antenna foundation poured

The concrete for the first MeerKAT antenna foundation was poured yesterday at South Africa's SKA site in the Karoo. This is the first of 64 similar foundations that will be constructed for this telescope over the next nine ...

Usain Bolt rules Twitter during Games

Jamaican sprint king Usain Bolt dominated Twitter during the Olympics, the social networking site has revealed, with his gold in the 200 metres inspiring a staggering 80,000 tweets per minute.

Research improves the bolted joints in airplanes

A research project at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid that analyzes the bolted joints used in the aeronautical industry has determined the optimum force that should be applied so that they may better withstand the variations ...

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