Primate voice boxes are evolving at rapid pace

Scientists have discovered that the larynx, or voice box, of primates is significantly larger relative to body size, has greater variation, and is under faster rates of evolution than in other mammals.

Researchers use drones to weigh whales

By measuring the body length, width and height of free-living southern right whales photographed by drones, researchers were able to develop a model that accurately calculated the body volume and mass of the whales.

New whale species discovered along the coast of Hokkaido

In a collaboration between the National Museum of Nature and Science, Hokkaido University, Iwate University, and the United States National Museum of Natural History, a beaked whale species which has long been called Kurotsuchikujira ...

What's the best design for a flying Mars robot?

Building a flying vehicle for Mars would have significant advantages for exploration of the surface. However, to date, all of our surface exploring vehicles and robotic units on Mars have been terrestrial rovers. The problem ...

Study describes 48 new species of spiders

A paper recently published in Zootaxa documents the 48 species of ground-hunting spiders from the family Miturgidae, which can be found across Australia, particularly in arid habitats in open eucalypt forest, brigalow, mallee, ...

Little-known beaked whale found in cold waters off Hokkaido

Cetaceans are the best-known fully aquatic animals, including whales, dolphins and porpoises. The group includes more than 90 existing species, divided into baleen whales (Mysticeti) and toothed whales (Odontoceti). Toothed ...

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