Related topics: facial expressions

Orangutans at Miami zoo use iPads to communicate

(AP) -- The 8-year-old twins love their iPad. They draw, play games and expand their vocabulary. Their family's teenagers also like the hand-held computer tablets, too, but the clan's elders show no interest.

Enjoying massage of the future at the world's top IT fair

With all the frantic deal-making and head-spinning gadgets at the world's top IT fair, it is perhaps no surprise that a chair promising the benefit of two hours sleep in 20 minutes drew big queues.

Talk to the virtual hands

Body language of both speaker and listener affects success in virtual reality communication game.

Critters on ocean floor communicating in synchronized rumbles

September- Understanding animal communication has long been a fascinating and vast area of research for those who dare to welcome the challenge. Some species use body language to express their message while others use calls ...

Cyber junkies can unplug at US retreat

The first US retreat for Internet addicts has opened its doors, welcoming a teenager that was captive to World of Warcraft online role-playing videogame.

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