Q&A: What's causing the severe Midwestern drought?

This summer, global temperatures soared on July 4, reflecting one of the hottest days recorded on Earth, according to climate data from the U.S. National Centers for Environmental Prediction. Average global temperatures were ...

Study may add to resource managers' toolbox

A major study by researchers at William & Mary's Virginia Institute of Marine Science shows that many diverse species of Chesapeake Bay fishes—whether they eat zooplankton, other fishes, or bottom-dwelling invertebrates—exhibit ...

Florida recovery picks up momentum, but dangers persist

Florida's post-Irma recovery picked up momentum Friday as power outages dropped and schools made plans to reopen. But two new cases of carbon monoxide poisoning from temporary generators made clear that dangers remained nearly ...

How to stop your dog getting heatstroke – according to science

Summer is a great time to get out and about with your dog. But dogs don't tolerate the heat as well as their owners. When people get hot they start to sweat, but dogs are only able to do this through the pads on their paws. ...

Body size requires hormones under control

The proper regulation of body size is of fundamental importance, but the mechanisms that stop growth are still unclear. In a study now published in the scientific journal eLife, a research group from Instituto Gulbenkian ...

Nutrition key to cow efficiency, expert says

Heading into the winter months, cattle producers should give careful attention to adequate nutrition of beef cattle, said a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service expert.

Why don't robins get fat?

(PhysOrg.com) -- New research by the School of Biosciences is shedding light on the reasons why the European robin doesn’t get fat -even though they are feeding for much longer.

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