Children can learn arithmetic faster and better

During the first two years of primary education children can learn to do arithmetic faster and better with the help of a more systematically structured educational programme. For older children, teaching arithmetic with the ...

Wii key to helping kids balance

By cleverly linking five Wii Balance Boards, a team of Rice University undergraduates has combined the appeal of a video game with the utility of a computerized motion-tracking system that can enhance the progress of patients ...

'Shrek' producer joins Zynga board

Zynga on Monday said the film producer behind "Shrek" and other DreamWorks Animation hits has joined the board of directors at the hot online social games startup.

Swedish research can make Super Mario more realistic

Computer games are being developed at an ever more rapid pace, and the technical demands are rising, not least regarding graphics boards.  At Mälardalen University in Sweden, researchers have now found a solution to ...

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