Unusual mutation causes defective sperm in boars

ETH researchers have found a gene mutation that causes the sperm of boars to immobilize. Their discovery will help pig breeders to exclude animals with this genetic defect from breeding in future.

Germany confirms 1st case of swine fever on its territory

Germany has confirmed the first case of African swine fever on its territory, after a wild boar cadaver found in the eastern state of Brandenburg tested positive, the country's agriculture minister said Thursday.

No disadvantages to having kids early

When some species are heavily hunted, animal mortality increases and they have fewer offspring in the course of their lives.

Singapore otters' lockdown antics spark backlash

Singapore's otters, long adored by the city-state's nature lovers, are popping up in unexpected places during the coronavirus lockdown but their antics have angered some and even sparked calls for a cull.

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