Improving memory with a flash of light

The burgeoning field of optogenetics has seen another breakthrough with the creation of a new plant-human hybrid protein molecule called OptoSTIM1. In South Korea, a research team led by Won Do Heo, associate professor at ...

A more benign blue for pyrotechnics

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich chemists have developed a novel pyrotechnic formulation that produces a blue flame of unprecedented purity and radiance upon combustion, and is free of the toxic chlorine-containing ...

'Safe' screens touted for those who just can't look away

As it gets harder to tear our eyes away from smartphones, televisions, tablets or computers, concerns are growing over a blue light emitted by their screens, blamed for harming the retina and causing interrupted sleep.

Gas sensors sound the smoldering fire alarm

Smoke detectors are everywhere, but still thousands of people die in fires annually. Fire gas detectors, which detect carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide, identify fires at an early stage. Thanks to a new measurement principle ...

Droplets levitate on a cushion of blue light

Researchers in France have discovered a new way to levitate liquid droplets, which surprisingly also creates a mini light show, with the droplet sparking as it floats above a faint blue glowing gap.

World's smallest spirals could guard against identity theft

Take gold spirals about the size of a dime…and shrink them down about six million times. The result is the world's smallest continuous spirals: "nano-spirals" with unique optical properties that would be almost impossible ...

What makes Mars sunsets different from Earth's?

Even robots can't tear their eyes from a beautiful sunset. NASA's Mars Curiosity rover pointed its high resolution mast camera at the setting sun to capture this 4-image sequence on April 15 at the conclusion of the mission's ...

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