Related topics: supercomputer

Blue gene regulation helps plants respond properly to light

Researchers at the RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science (CSRS) have discovered a process through which gene expression in plants is regulated by light. Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ...

Manipulating gene expression precisely using light

A Hokkaido University researcher has successfully developed a method to accurately manipulate gene expression by light illumination and demonstrated its usability by creating double-headed zebrafish.

Advancing health research through Canada's fastest supercomputer

The University of Alberta's Li Ka Shing Institute of Virology (LKSIOV) and the Southern Ontario Smart Computing Innovation Platform (SOSCIP) are pleased to announce their partnership to support advanced research using high-performance ...

Generations of supercomputers pin down primordial plasma

( —Supercomputers are constantly evolving to meet the increasing complexity of calculations ranging from global climate models to cosmic inflation. The bigger the puzzle, the more scientists and engineers push ...

Blue Gene active storage boosts I/O performance at JSC

The ever growing complexity of various simulation tasks not only require a continuous increase of computing power but also the capability of managing large amounts of data. Realisation of an active storage architecture and ...

Energy efficient brain simulator outperforms supercomputers

In November 2012, IBM announced that it had used the Blue Gene/Q Sequoia supercomputer to achieve an unprecedented simulation of more than 530 billion neurons. The Blue Gene/Q Sequoia accomplished this feat thanks to its ...

Mira the supercomputer

Argonne's new supercomputer won't be in full production until 2013, but it represents such a leap forward that just the first two prototype racks already rank among the top 100 fastest computers in the world.

Bug repellent for supercomputers proves effective

(—Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) researchers have used the Stack Trace Analysis Tool (STAT), a highly scalable, lightweight tool to debug a program running more than one million MPI processes on ...

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