NYC's Bloomberg launches European city contest

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is offering European cities millions of dollars to be government groundbreakers, tapping his personal fortune to extend his cities-as-civic-laboratories campaign overseas as the end of his ...

Beyond NYC: Other places adapting to climate, too

From Bangkok to Miami, cities and coastal areas across the globe are already building or planning defenses to protect millions of people and key infrastructure from more powerful storm surges and other effects of global warming.

Climate talk shifts from curbing CO2 to adapting

Efforts to curb global warming have quietly shifted as greenhouse gases inexorably rise. The conversation is no longer solely about how to save the planet by cutting carbon emissions. It's becoming more about how to save ...

NY's Bloomberg and SF mayor announce tech summits

(AP)—New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his San Francisco counterpart, Ed Lee, say they are sponsoring a pair of technology summits to be held in each of their cities in the next year.

Mayor to discuss prepping NYC for warming world

(AP)—The projections paint an unsettling picture of New York's future: a city where by the 2050s, 800,000 people could be living in a flood zone that would cover a quarter of the land, with temperatures steadily rising.

Levees, removable walls in plan to protect NYC

(AP)—Mayor Michael Bloomberg is proposing removable flood walls for much of lower Manhattan, a permanent 15-to-20-foot levee in part of Staten Island and a system of gates and levees at a Brooklyn creek as part of a nearly ...

Report: Fourth of NYC could be flood zone by 2050s (Update)

By the 2050s, more than 800,000 New York City residents could be living in a flood zone that would cover a quarter of the city's land and New Yorkers could sweat out as many 90-degree (32-Celsiu) days as is now normal for ...

Report: Bloomberg private messages leaked online

(AP)—A published report says financial data and news service Bloomberg accidently leaked online more than 10,000 private messages containing sensitive pricing data exchanged by users of Bloomberg's financial information ...

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