First 3D-bioprinted structured Wagyu beef-like meat

Scientists from Osaka University used stem cells isolated from Wagyu cows to 3D-print a meat alternative containing muscle, fat, and blood vessels arranged to closely resemble conventional steaks. This work may help usher ...

Gel drops for regenerative medicine

Micrometer-sized gel drops can provide the extracellular architecture needed for cells to grow and proliferate. The cell-carrying gels, made of self-assembling ultrashort peptides that form supportive nanofiber networks, ...

Getting oxygenated blood to exercising muscles

ETH Zurich Professor Katrien De Bock and her team have discovered a certain type of blood vessel cell in muscles that multiplies rapidly upon exercise, thereby forming new blood vessels. Researchers can use this to find novel ...

Stimulating blood vessel formation with magnetic fields

Magnetic fields can be used to stimulate blood vessel growth, according to a study published in the journal Science and Technology of Advanced Materials. The findings, by researchers at the Tecnico Lisboa and NOVA School ...

A new concept stent that suppresses adverse effects with cells

Medical materials that can be inserted into the human body have been used for decades in the field of regenerative medicine—for example, stents that can help dilate clogged blood vessels and implants that can replace teeth ...

Cells are collective thinkers

Cells, like humans, cast votes to make decisions as a group. But how do they know what to vote for? Researchers at the Francis Crick Institute and King's College London have uncovered how cells actively seek information in ...

Cancer cells 'remove blindfold' to spread

Cancer cells spread by switching on and off abilities to sense their surroundings, move, hide and grow new tumors, a new study has found.

Customized programming of human stem cells

Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) have the potential to convert into a wide variety of cell types and tissues for drug testing and cell replacement therapies. However, the "recipes" for this conversion are often complicated ...

Image: Space-borne human endothelial cell

A human endothelial cell that was flown to the International Space Station and returned to Earth for analysis is helping researchers keep astronauts healthy in space.

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