New microchip sorts white blood cells from whole blood

Early in 2012, MIT scientists reported on the development of a postage stamp-sized microchip capable of sorting cells through a technique, known as cell rolling, that mimics a natural mechanism in the body. The device successfully ...

Tiny magnetic robots could treat bleeds in the brain

Researchers have created nanoscale robots which could be used to manage bleeds in the brain caused by aneurysms. The development could enable precise, relatively low-risk treatment of brain aneurysms, which cause around ...

Detecting lung cancer early with sugar-sensing nanotech

For such a common disease, lung cancer can be hard to spot. In the early stages you probably won't even know you've got a problem. But by the time you investigate that persistent cough, your livelihood may already hinge on ...

New gel breaks down alcohol in the body

Most alcohol enters the bloodstream via the mucous membrane layer of the stomach and the intestines. These days, the consequences of this are undisputed: even small amounts of alcohol impair people's ability to concentrate ...

A sugar analysis could reveal different types of cancer

In the future, a little saliva may be enough to detect an incipient cancer. Researchers at the University of Gothenburg have developed an effective way to interpret the changes in sugar molecules that occur in cancer cells.

Scientists 3D-print hair follicles in lab-grown skin

A team led by scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute has 3D-printed hair follicles in human skin tissue cultured in the lab. This marks the first time researchers have used the technology to generate hair follicles, ...

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