First successful total synthesis of Erythropoietin

(—"Blood is quite a peculiar kind of juice"—that is what Mephisto knew, according to Goethe's "Faust". But if blood really is very special, then erythropoietin (EPO) must be a very special molecule, as it triggers ...

Live imaging captures how blood stem cells take root in the body

A see-through zebrafish and enhanced imaging provide the first direct glimpse of how blood stem cells take root in the body to generate blood. Reporting online in the journal Cell today, researchers in Boston Children's Hospital's ...

Why we make blood cells in our bones

In humans and other mammals, the stem cells that give rise to all blood cells are located in the bone. But in fish, blood stem cells are found in the kidney. Since the late 1970s, when biologists first realized that blood ...

Study uncovers the secret of long-lived stem cells

Nothing lives forever, but compared to other cells in the body, hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are remarkably long-lived. HSCs are blood-forming cells—they give rise to rapidly dividing progenitor cells, which in turn ...

New way out: Researchers show how stem cells exit bloodstream

Researchers at North Carolina State University have discovered that therapeutic stem cells exit the bloodstream in a different manner than was previously thought. This process, dubbed angiopellosis by the researchers, has ...

Nanostimulators boost stem cells for muscle repair

In regenerative medicine, an ideal treatment for patients whose muscles are damaged from lack of oxygen would be to invigorate them with an injection of their own stem cells.

How 'junk DNA' can control cell development

Researchers from the Gene and Stem Cell Therapy Program at Sydney's Centenary Institute have confirmed that, far from being "junk", the 97 per cent of human DNA that does not encode instructions for making proteins can play ...

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