Flexible sensors can detect movement in GI tract

Researchers at MIT and Brigham and Women's Hospital have built a flexible sensor that can be rolled up and swallowed. Upon ingestion, the sensor adheres to the stomach wall or intestinal lining, where it can measure the rhythmic ...

Is it time to branch out?

With growing evidence to support increased health, productivity and learning when in nature, should the outdoors be our new office?

Device for measuring inflammation at home

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland has developed a portable device for measuring inflammation levels quickly in home environment.

Using machine learning to improve patient care

Doctors are often deluged by signals from charts, test results, and other metrics to keep track of. It can be difficult to integrate and monitor all of these data for multiple patients while making real-time treatment decisions, ...

Lizard venom may contain clues to treating blood clots

Various types of lizard venom are being studied as possible treatments for blood clotting diseases that lead to millions of cases of stroke, heart attack, and deep-vein thrombosis annually.

Protecting plants from the power of sunlight

It's 11pm. You don't feel good. Your palms are clammy, your mind is racing, and you just can't fall asleep. As a precaution, you measure your vitals. Blood pressure is 160/95, worryingly high. You take another measurement ...

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