Cell behaviour in low oxygen conditions mapped

(Phys.org) —Research at the University of Liverpool has explained how cells behave when placed in a low oxygen environment, a development that could have implications for cancer patients and other serious illnesses.

New probe can monitor shock from hemorrhages without drawing blood

It's inefficient to periodically draw blood from someone's neck to check oxygen levels, especially when that person is in an intensive care unit for massive blood loss. Yet the invasive procedure is currently the go-to method ...

Three win Nobel Prize for showing how cells sense low oxygen

Two Americans and a British scientist won a Nobel Prize on Monday for discovering details of how the body's cells sense and react to low oxygen levels, providing a foothold for developing new treatments for anemia, cancer ...

Alpine air at work? Delhi eyes novel ways to battle smog

Political apathy over the poisonous smog choking India's capital has led many like businessman Kamal Meattle to take matters into their own hands, with an office building he says pumps air as fresh as from the Swiss Alps.

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