Related topics: alcohol

Drug makes rats less likely to imbibe alcohol

Alcohol use disorders can have devastating effects on a person's health, relationships and finances. Yet for some, the feeling they get when taking a drink temporarily outweighs these other concerns. Now, researchers have ...

A smartphone sensor to detect disease factors in breath

It has been said that spending too much time on a smartphone can negatively impact brain development or even cause damage to the neck. But don't toss yours in the bin just yet. An EU-funded project is working on smartphones' ...

Empty trucks increase accident risk

Heavy vehicle drivers with an empty load are two-and-a-half times more likely to crash than those carrying freight.

Consequences of driving drunk are paying off

Punishments for drivers whose blood alcohol content is measured above legal thresholds for impairment have reduced the likelihood of repeat offenses, says a University of Oregon economist.

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