Study: Internet use leads to more diverse networks

(AP) -- A new study confirms what your 130 Facebook friends and scores of Twitter followers may have already told you: The Internet and mobile phones are not linked to social isolation.

FTC: Bloggers, testimonials need better disclosure (Update 2)

(AP) -- The Federal Trade Commission on Monday took steps to make product information and online reviews more accurate for consumers, regulating blogging for the first time and mandating that testimonials reflect typical ...

FTC plans to monitor blogs for claims, payments

Savvy consumers often go online for independent consumer reviews of products and services, scouring through comments from everyday Joes and Janes to help them find a gem or shun a lemon.

'World's oldest blogger' dies in Spain at 97

A Spanish great-grandmother who billed herself as the "world's oldest blogger" and who gained a global following on the Internet, died Thursday at the age of 97, local officials and reports said.

Google adds automatic translation to Gmail

Google added automatic translation technology to Gmail on Tuesday, allowing users of its email service to translate messages in another language with a single mouse click.

Twitter to try money-making methods

Micro-blogging sensation Twitter plans to begin dabbling this year with ways to pump cash from the fast-growing free service.

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