Obama convention speech sets Twitter record

Barack Obama's prime-time address to the nation accepting the Democratic presidential nomination for 2012 broke a new Twitter record Thursday for political traffic, the site said.

Taiwan to fine bloggers for false advertising

Taiwan on Tuesday passed a law which will fine bloggers who make false claims or exaggerate on behalf of products and companies as the number of consumer disputes soars.

Hackers promise AFP photos in 'email scam'

A computer security firm warned on Friday that cybercriminals were attempting to exploit Agence France-Presse photos of slain Libyan dictator Moamer Kadhafi in an email scam.

Brazilian president's blog hacked

Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff's official blog website was hacked briefly Thursday by someone who posted an anti-corruption message, officials said.

School blogs: A direct line to the quiet kids in class

Every day, school students are required to answer questions, solve problems and work in groups. This kind of upfront engagement is challenging for shy students, who are now using blogs to have their voices heard in the classroom.

US Secret Service takes to Twitter

The US Secret Service, renowned for the sharp suited agents protecting the US president, made its debut on Twitter on Monday, saying the micro-blogging site could help recruiting.

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