Dutch police recruit rodents to rat on criminals

The latest species to join Dutch police is hard at work behind the blacked-out windows of a building in Rotterdam: rats learning to sniff out crime and a new forensic future.

How rats are killing our coral reefs

It's an invasion of rats! Some remote islands are crawling with these rodents, and even the coral reefs are suffering from it.

Rat kill in Galapagos Islands targets 180 million

(AP)—The unique bird and reptile species that make the Galapagos Islands a treasure for scientists and tourists must be preserved, Chilean authorities say—and that means the rats must die, hundreds of millions of them.

Plague on their house, but bush rats fight back

(PhysOrg.com) -- Sydney's native bush rats were unintended victims of a campaign to exterminate foreign black rats during a plague epidemic in 1900, according to new research by scientists who plan to reintroduce the native ...

Ecuador eradicates Galapagos rats using drones

Ecuador used drones to scatter rat poison on one of the Galapagos Islands in a bid to protect species including the world's only nocturnal seagull from the pests, the archipelago's national parks authority, PNG, said Thursday.

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