Related topics: sales

Does Black Friday still matter? You might be surprised

If you're among the throngs in the stores this Friday—or even late Thursday—you might not realize it, but in retail circles many experts are asking one question: With shopping options galore, does Black Friday even matter ...

Retailers look to woo shoppers from rivals as Amazon grows

Toys and TVs at J.C. Penney, Barbies at Best Buy, kitchen appliances like wine refrigerators at B.J.'s. As the holiday shopping season officially kicks off Thursday, shoppers may find some surprises at their favorite stores.

Online shopping reaches new highs for the holidays

In a converted former broom factory in Baltimore, employees of checked inventory and pricing, prepared email blasts and packed up cartloads of gadgets to help golfers improve their game.

Cyber Monday transforms as shoppers are more connected

The Monday after Thanksgiving is still a time when millions of Americans pause to check out online deals and check off items from their gift list—but a one-day Cyber Monday frenzy appears to be going the way of the dial-up ...

With early deals, how much will Cyber Monday buyers spend?

Millions of Americans paused during the Monday after Thanksgiving to check out online deals and check off people on their holiday gift list. But so-called Cyber Monday may be in danger of losing its online sales title.

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