What a black box can tell us about missing flight MH370

As the search continues for wreckage from the missing Malaysia Airlines plane it's probable that answers surrounding the mystery of flight MH370 will not be available until the recorders are recovered.

MH370 should make us rethink how we monitor planes

Search ships may be honing in on the black box from missing Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 after weeks of searching. But whether they are successful or not, the difficulty they have encountered along the way should have ...

The technological search for MH370's black box

As the effort to find Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 moves inexorably towards the recovery stage, the challenge of finding the plane's flight recorder (called the "black box" even though it's actually bright orange) on the ...

Seabed of jet hunt zone mostly flat with one trench (Update)

Two miles beneath the sea surface where satellites and planes are looking for debris from the missing Malaysian jet, the ocean floor is cold, dark, covered in a squishy muck of dead plankton and—in a potential break for ...

New Malaysia plane search area turns up objects

Australian officials moved the search area for the lost Malaysian jetliner 1,100 kilometers (680 miles) to the northeast Friday following a new analysis of radar data, and planes quickly found multiple objects in the new ...

Technology hindered, helped search for Flight 370

The disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 has presented two tales of modern technology. The limitations of tracking and communications devices allowed the plane to vanish from sight for nearly three weeks. But satellites' ...

Undersea volcanoes, huge seas complicate MH370 search

Searchers racing to find flight MH370's "black box" face daunting hurdles ranging from undersea volcanoes to mountainous seas as they operate in one of Earth's most remote locations, experts said Wednesday.

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