NY US Attorney says $28M in bitcoins seized

The United States Attorney in New York says about $28 million worth of bitcoins have been seized from a man charged with operating a notorious online drug marketplace known as Silk Road.

US seizes Bitcoin operator accounts

US authorities seized the accounts of a Bitcoin digital currency exchange operator, claiming it was functioning as an "unlicensed money service business," court documents showed Friday.

The bubble bursts on e-currency Bitcoin

Many saw it coming, but that didn't stop the Bitcoin bubble from bursting: after rising to dizzying heights, the digital currency suffered its first true crash this week.

Bitcoin bursts: Hacker currency gets wild ride (Update)

It's a promising form of electronic cash free from central bankers and beloved by hackers. It—Bitcoin—may also be in trouble, registering catastrophic losses that have sent speculators scrambling.

Wild, unregulated hacker currency gains following (Update)

With $600 stuffed in one pocket and a smartphone tucked in the other, Patricio Fink recently struck the kind of deal that's feeding the rise of a new kind of money—a virtual currency whose oscillations have pulled geeks ...

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