Yellowstone: Bison slaughters done for the season

Yellowstone National Park administrators say shipments of wild bison to slaughter are done for the winter after almost 600 animals were removed in an effort to shrink their numbers.

Bison ready for new pastures?

A new study from the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services (APHIS) and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) demonstrates that it is possible to qualify bison coming from an infected herd as free of brucellosis ...

Yellowstone says "biobullets" for bison won't work

Yellowstone National Park administrators say shooting wild bison with vaccine-laced "biobullets" to prevent the spread of an animal disease would be too ineffective to justify the expense.

Europe's bison, beavers and bears bounce back

Several European animal and bird species driven to near extinction by humans have made a dramatic comeback in the past 50 years thanks to conservation efforts, a report said Thursday.

Study finds climate change to shrink bison, profit

As temperatures go up, bison get smaller. Joseph Craine, research assistant professor in the Division of Biology at Kansas State University, examined how climate change during the next 50 years will affect grazing animals ...

Canada ships 30 wood bison to Russia

Canada has sent 30 bison to Russia for reintroduction in the rugged and mostly forested Siberian province of Sakha, 5,000 years after they died out in the area, its parks administration said Thursday.

Dome-headed dinosaurs did more than just butt heads

We have all seen nature shows with footage of bighorn sheep rearing up and "butting heads" with each other using their heads and enlarged horns. People often assume other animals with horns and comparable head structures ...

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