Researchers predict population trends of birds worldwide

In a study published in Ibis, investigators combined the power of big data and machine learning, a type of artificial intelligence, to predict population declines for bird species with unknown population trends and used correlation ...

What will it take to save the regent honeyeater?

New research from The Australian National University (ANU) shows that unless conservation actions are urgently stepped up, one of our most beautiful songbirds, the regent honeyeater, will be extinct within 20 years.

Bird singing contests: A clash of culture and conservation

For thousands  of years, people have been keeping wild birds. It is often a deeply ingrained part of the culture. One of the more recent trends to emerge from this practice is the singing contest which pits male birds against ...

Biden mulls reversing Trump rules on western grouse species

The Biden administration on Friday said it will consider new measures to protect greater sage grouse, a bird species once found across much of the U.S. West that has suffered drastic declines in recent decades due to oil ...

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