First known photos of 'lost bird' captured by scientists

For the first time, scientists have captured photos of a bird long thought lost. Known as the Yellow-crested Helmetshrike, or Prionops alberti, the species is listed as a 'lost bird' by the American Bird Conservancy because ...

Asian fishing cats caught snacking on chicks from tree-top nests

South Asian fishing cats were observed raiding bird nests in tall trees for the first time. This rare and highly unusual behavior was caught on motion cameras set up in tree canopies across northeast Bangladesh to survey ...

Expert explains why North American bird populations are declining

According to recent data, bird populations in North America have declined by approximately 2.9 billion birds, a loss of more than one in four birds since 1970. Experts say this bird loss will continue to grow unless changes ...

Bird feeding may give humans something to chirp about

Associate professor in the Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation at Virginia Tech, Ashley Dayer is the lead author of an article published in People and Nature that argues not only for the acknowledgment of the activity's ...

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