Canadian homes a kill zone for up to 22 million birds a year

(Edmonton) The thud of a bird hitting a window is something many Canadian home owners experience. Up until now, little research has been done to document the significant these collisions for Canada's bird populations. A University ...

Power lines a major risk for migratory birds

When flamingos, storks, pelicans and other migratory birds undertake their long seasonal flights, they risk their lives winging their way through the endless power grids that cover the world.

Helping migratory birds travel more safely

A new study is underway to characterize risks for migratory birds as they travel north from Central and South America and from the Caribbean in the spring, and south in the fall.

Experience with vehicles does not help birds avoid collisions

Researchers suspected that experience with passing vehicles may cause birds to adjust their avoidance responses-specifically, to increase their flight initiation distances-to keep from being hit. Instead, though, they recently ...

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