Mosh pits can shed light on panic situations

(—When physics graduate student Jesse Silverberg took his girlfriend to a heavy metal concert, he didn't dive into the mosh pit as usual. He hung back and observed that humans act like particles, dancing into "collective ...

Secrets of flocking revealed

Watching thousands of birds fly in a highly coordinated, yet leaderless, flock can be utterly baffling to humans. Now, new research is peeling back the layers of mystery to show how exactly they do it -- and why it might ...

Pigeon 'backpacks' track flock voting (w/ Video)

( -- Pigeon flocks are guided by a flexible system of leadership in which almost every member gets a ‘vote’ but the votes of high-ranking birds carry more weight, a new study has shown.

New bird discovered after its extinction

After almost 120 years in the Natural History Museum collections, a new Colombian bird has been discovered, and proclaimed extinct.

How linked data, artificial intelligence could help animals

Dating apps are making predictions about who you'll fall in love with while marketers are using your online data to predict what you'll want to buy. As technology has transformed how people work, shop and date, ecologists ...

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