100,000 bird samples online

The Natural History Museum (NHM) in Oslo has a bird collection of international size. It is now available online.

Cyprus bird trapping hits record low, says NGO

The mass killing of migratory birds in Cyprus has reached a record low mainly due to a clampdown on illegal trapping in British military-controlled areas, a conservationist group said Monday.

When push comes to shove, what is a fight?

Biologists often study animal sociality by collecting observations about several types of behavioral interactions. These interactions can be things like severe fights, minor fights, cooperative food sharing, or grooming each ...

Bird bone streaming

A new website for viewing 3-D bird bones aims to make bird bones in museums more accessible for research and teaching.

What seabirds can tell us about the tide

When the UK's Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) set out to tag razorbills, their aim was to track their behaviour and movements along the coast of North Wales. The tag data revealed that, at night, these seabirds ...

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