Europe's first human embryonic stem cell trial approved

A US biotech company said Thursday it will soon begin the first-ever European trials using human embryonic stem cells in an experimental treatment for people with a form of juvenile blindness.

Cuba launches first nanopharmaceutical

Cuba has unveiled its first manufactured nanopharmaceutical drug—a tweaked variety of cyclosporine, used to help prevent transplant rejection—official media reported Saturday.

Vatican, biotech firm host adult stem cell meeting

(AP) -- The Vatican has entered into an unusual partnership with a small U.S. biotech company to promote using adult stem cells for treating disease, rather than focusing research on embryonic stem cells.

Stereotyping prime obstacle to women in commercial science

Female professors are almost 50 percent less likely than their male counterparts to be invited to join corporate scientific advisory boards (SABs) and start new companies mainly because of gender stereotyping, says University ...