Related topics: virus ยท bird flu

Nature inspires antibacterial steels

Taking inspiration from nature in order to confer new properties to coatings, such as steel: that is the basic principle of Biocoat project, which has for six years now brought together the University de Liege (Belgium) and ...

The nuclear, biological and climate threat - 2011 reviewed

In this special issue of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, published by SAGE, experts reflect on 2011 and highlight what to look out for in 2012 in the areas of nuclear energy, nuclear weapons, biosecurity, and climate ...

Killer flu virus threat over-hyped: Dutch scientist

A top Dutch scientist heading a team which created a mutant killer flu virus Wednesday said the threat to global biosecurity is being overplayed, even if full research results are published.

Australia's wish list of exotic pets

Unsustainable trade of species is a major pathway for the introduction of invasive alien species at distant localities and at higher frequencies. It is also a major driver of over-exploitation of wild native populations. ...

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