Fungi use ingenious strategies to forage underground

When you think of fungi, you'll probably picture a huddle of chubby brown mushrooms, or the large, red-capped toadstools you stumble across in the woods. In doing so, you're reducing fungi to their reproductive organs—tasty ...

Monitoring the body's fat burning by sampling breath

Your breath holds the key to monitoring fat burning, and now a research group from Tohoku University has created a compact and low-cost device that can measure how our body metabolizes fat.

A closer look at how immune cells attack and heal

Macrophages—immune cells that both fight infections and fix the damage they cause—are often placed into two categories: those that increase inflammation (known as "M1") to attack, and those that decrease inflammation ...

Researchers create new form of cultivated meat

McMaster researchers have developed a new form of cultivated meat using a method that promises more natural flavor and texture than other alternatives to traditional meat from animals.

Nanobubble-controlled nanofluidic transport

Nanofluidic platforms can offer tunable material transport for biosensing, chemical detection and filtration. Research in the past had achieved elective and controlled ion transport based on electrical, optical and chemical ...

Researchers discover bacterial DNA's recipe for success

Biomedical engineers at Duke University have developed a new way of modeling how potentially beneficial packages of DNA called plasmids can circulate and accumulate through a complex environment that includes many bacterial ...

Lighting the way to selective membrane imaging

Researchers at Kanazawa University monitored the emission of blue-green light from water-soluble tetraphenylethene molecules adsorbed at a phospholipid-adsorbed liquid-liquid interface made to resemble a biomembrane. They ...

A new method to produce gold nanoparticles in cancer cells

Dipanjan Pan, professor of chemical, biochemical, and environmental engineering at UMBC, and collaborators published a seminal study in Nature Communications that demonstrates for the first time a method of biosynthesizing ...

AI may offer a better way to ID drug-resistant superbugs

Biomedical engineers at Duke University have shown that different strains of the same bacterial pathogen can be distinguished by a machine learning analysis of their growth dynamics alone, which can then also accurately predict ...

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