Frogs' amazing leaps due to springy tendons

Some species of frogs and many other animals are able to jump far beyond what appear to be their capabilities. The trained contestants in the frog-jumping competition in Calaveras County, Calif., come to mind, but even ordinary ...

Bioengineer is on the trail of cellular mysteries

( -- Working at the intersection of engineering and biology, faculty member Mohammad Mofrad is seeking to answer fundamental questions about the the biomechanics of human cells. His work may one day bring about ...

Football penalties: science is on the spot

Few moments in football are as extraordinary as the penalty, the moment when a dream can crumble or glory is made - and a player is either cursed as a choker or enters the pantheon of legends.

How people work... and the mystery of your fingerprints

Why do we chew our food? Research has shown that it is not, as has long been presumed, to make chunks of food small enough to swallow without choking. Biomechanics, who have modelled the cohesive strength of food after a ...

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