Predicting nanoparticle interactions in the body

Researchers at North Carolina State University have developed a method for predicting the ways that nanoparticles will interact with biological systems - including the human body. Their work could have implications for improved ...

Chimpanzees use sex tools

( -- Many animals are known to use tools, but chimpanzees (our closest living relatives) show the most varied and complex use of tools, and the males in one group of chimps have even been observed using sex tools ...

Researchers synchronize blinking 'genetic clocks' (w/ Video)

Researchers at UC San Diego who last year genetically engineered bacteria to keep track of time by turning on and off fluorescent proteins within their cells have taken another step toward the construction of a programmable ...

Genetic discovery could break wine industry bottleneck

One of the best known episodes in the 8000-year history of grapevine cultivation led to biological changes that have not been well understood - until now. Through biomolecular detective work, German researchers have uncovered ...

Stunting plants' skyward reach could lead to improved yields

In the forest's fight for survival, it's the tallest trees that prevail by reaching for sunlight and shading competition. Corn and other plants, too, divert precious energy to grow higher when nearby plants start to encroach.

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