Male size advantage drives evolution of sex change in reef fish

Some species of fish, notably parrotfish and wrasses living on coral reefs, change their biological sex as they age, beginning life as females and later becoming functionally male. New work from the University of California, ...

Discovery of a genetic sex marker in sturgeon

Scientists have discovered a molecular marker for sex determination in sturgeon within the international project STURGEoNOMICS, led by the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB). This discovery ...

Research finds reef fish can adjust for gender as oceans warm

Using a multigenerational experiment UTS research has shown for the first time that when reef fish parents develop from early life at elevated temperatures they can adjust their offspring gender through non-genetic and non-behavioural ...

Gateway enzyme for chemicals from catnip to cancer drug

Scientists have discovered an enzyme used in nature to make powerful chemicals from catnip to a cancer drug, vinblastine. The discovery opens up the prospect of producing these chemicals cheaply and efficiently.

New thinking on regulation of sex chromosomes in fruit flies

Fruit flies have been indispensible to our understanding of genetics and biological processes in all animals, including humans. Yet, despite being one of the most studied of animals, scientists are still finding the fruit ...

Sex, man flu and the water flea

Dr. Matt Hall is interested in the differences between males and females. Why are some males of a species larger and stronger, while females are more hardy and long-lived? Why do they experience illness differently?

Pheromone helps mice remember where to find a mate

Scientists at the University of Liverpool have found that male mice produce a pheromone that provokes females and competitor males to remember a preference for the place where the pheromone was previously encountered.

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