Mammals can 'choose' sex of offspring, study finds

A new study led by a researcher at the Stanford University School of Medicine shows that mammalian species can "choose" the sex of their offspring in order to beat the odds and produce extra grandchildren.

Study dispels theories of Y chromosome's demise

A comparison of Y chromosomes in eight African and eight European men dispels the common notion that the Y's genes are mostly unimportant and that the chromosome is destined to dwindle and disappear.

Golden vehicle for drug delivery has hidden costs

One of the biggest ideas in treating disease involves material so small it isn't even visible. Miniscule gold particles – the size of several atoms – are being touted as vehicles to send drugs exactly where they are needed ...

Inbreeding insects cast light on longer female lifespans

Inbreeding can unexpectedly extend male lifespan. Insect experiments described in the open access journal BMC Evolutionary Biology have shown that, in seed beetles, inbreeding causes males to live longer, while shortening ...

The elusive minority: Non-binary gender in prehistoric Europe

People tend to think that the idea that biological sex is linked with one's role in society belongs in the past. But was it even the case in prehistory? Archaeologists at the University of Göttingen have investigated the ...

Competition leads to fathers who produce more male sperm

New research led by The University of Western Australia has shown that the social conditions that a male experiences while growing up can influence the amount of X and Y chromosome sperm that he produces as an adult.

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