Study finds vulnerability in pelagic ecosystems

Fish and sharks living in the open ocean are impacted more by human pressure than their seabed-dwelling counterparts, according to a new study from The University of Western Australia.

Scientists reveal why blueberries are blue

Tiny external structures in the wax coating of blueberries give them their blue color, researchers at the University of Bristol can reveal. This applies to a lot of fruits that are the same color including damsons, sloes ...

Marine heat waves affecting little penguin population

Research led by The University of Western Australia has found marine heat waves are affecting the breeding, diet and population size of little penguins along Western Australia's coast.

How diverse are US ocean science institutions?

A paper published Dec. 19 in Oceanography examines whether U.S. ocean science institutions are recruiting and retaining the diverse cadre of talent needed to address climate change, food security, sustainable development, ...

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