Performing chemistry in floating droplets

Could chemists be ready to ditch the venerable test tube, the very symbol of chemistry in the minds of many people? Maybe not quite yet, but Caltech's Jack Beauchamp is working on it.

Sophisticated molecular machines in action

Almost all living organisms from bacteria to humans have gate-like protein complexes in their cell membranes that get rid of unwanted or life-threatening molecules. This is not always advantageous, since in the case of bacteria ...

Getting the oil out of befouled water

Oil and water are famously reluctant to mix fully together. But separating them completely—for example, when cleaning up an oil spill or purifying water contaminated through fracking—is a devilishly hard and inefficient ...

Biosensor may provide better cancer diagnosis

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) researchers have developed a new biological sensor that could help clinicians better diagnose cancer and epilepsy.

Nano-droplets are the key to controlling membrane formation

The creation of membranes is of enormous importance in biology, but also in many chemical applications developed by humans. These membranes are shaped spontaneously when soap-like molecules in water join together. Researchers ...

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