Shape-shifting coral evade identification

The evolutionary tendency of corals to alter their skeletal structure makes it difficult to assign them to different species. Researchers writing in the open access journal BMC Evolutionary Biology have used genetic markers ...

'Fingerprinting' trees to stop illegal logging

The University of Adelaide will help step up the fight against illegal logging with a new two-year, DNA-fingerprinting project in Indonesia. A US$518,833 grant for the project was announced by the International Tropical Timber ...

Discovery of a genetic sex marker in sturgeon

Scientists have discovered a molecular marker for sex determination in sturgeon within the international project STURGEoNOMICS, led by the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB). This discovery ...

Scientists bring new efficiency to stem cell reprogramming

Several years ago, biologists discovered that regular body cells can be reprogrammed into pluripotent stem cells—cells with the ability to become any other type of cell. Such cells hold great promise for treating many human ...

Researchers discover hormonal regulatory module for root elongation

In future, agricultural crop production will have to manage with less and less nitrogen fertilization. The goal must therefore be to increase nitrogen use efficiency so that yield levels can be kept stable. Plants respond ...

Using DNA in fight against illegal logging

Advances in DNA 'fingerprinting' and other genetic techniques led by Adelaide researchers are making it harder for illegal loggers to get away with destroying protected rainforests.

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