Evolution is at work in computers as well as life sciences

Artificial intelligence research has a lot to learn from nature. My work links biology with computation every day, but recently the rest of the world was reminded of the connection: The 2018 Nobel Prize in Chemistry went ...

Could CRISPR be used as a biological weapon?

The gene editing technique CRISPR has been in the limelight after scientists reported they had used it to safely remove disease in human embryos for the first time. This follows a "CRISPR craze" over the last couple of years, ...

Nucleolus is a life expectancy predictor

Can a cell show its biological age? And is it possible to foresee an animal's lifespan? Scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing in Cologne discovered a connection between the size of the nucleolus - ...

Antiphonal singing in indris

"How to get noticed as a singer?" isn't only a concern for young people aspiring to a career in the music industry. Young indris, critically endangered lemurs from Madagascar, sing in antiphony with their choirmates to increase ...

A Swiss camera is going to Mars

The Trace Gas Orbiter, which will search for traces of biological life on the red planet, was launched into space this morning. The probe's array of instruments includes a high-tech camera built at the University of Bern ...

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