Neutrons get a wider angle on DNA and RNA to advance 3-D models

Scientists from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the University of Maryland are using neutrons at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) to capture new information about DNA and RNA molecules and ...

Environmental pollutants could impact cellular signs of aging

Researchers have linked some environmental pollutants with diseases, a decreased life span and signs of premature aging, such as wrinkles and age spots. But can accelerated aging be detected at the cellular level in healthy ...

Biosensor may provide better cancer diagnosis

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) researchers have developed a new biological sensor that could help clinicians better diagnose cancer and epilepsy.

Researchers study DNA polymerases at the molecular level

Complex biological systems can be described as a network of chemical processes that take place in molecules. The scientists of the "ChemLife" research initiative at the University of Konstanz are working together in an equally ...

Rapid change – a tale of two species

When thinking about the impact of environmental change on species, certain animals in far-off places tend to come to mind: the 'charismatic megafauna' – such as polar bears, orangutans, and penguins, for example – that ...

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