Fish study turns colour vision theory inside out

( -- Neurobiologists at the Queensland Brain Institute have found that animals are not always as brightly coloured as they seem - at least not to their counterparts.

Flag has ladies all of a flutter

( -- Scientists have revealed how the male common snipe 'flies the flag' to get the girl.

New hand bacteria study holds promise for forensics identification

Forensic scientists may soon have a valuable new item in their toolkits -- a way to identify individuals using unique, telltale types of hand bacteria left behind on objects like keyboards and computer mice, says a new University ...

Robots Reveal Insights into Evolution

( -- In an ironic twist to our understanding of life, robots may offer a greater degree of realism for studying some of the intricacies of natural selection and evolution than real organisms offer. In a recent ...

Life Underground Critical to Earth's Ecosystems

( -- "I wonder if I shall fall right through the Earth!" mused Alice-in-Wonderland as she tumbled down the rabbit-hole." How funny it'll seem to come out among people that walk with their heads downwards! The ...

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