Fish farm waste can be used to produce biogas, study shows

Digesting fish waste can allow circular fish and vegetable farms (aquaponics) to produce biogas that can be fed back into the energy system of these farms. This also generates excellent nutrition for plants, according to ...

How biomethane can help turn gas into a renewable energy source

Australia's report card on reducing its greenhouse gas emissions is not exactly glowing, but there are ample opportunities to get it on track during this period of rapid change in the energy sector. Greater use of renewable ...

Preventing food waste better strategy than turning it into biogas

Turning your old banana peels and last night's leftovers into biogas sounds like a win-win situation for you and the environment: You don't have to feel guilty about having cooked too much pasta, and the use of biogas reduces ...

Study evaluates strategies for generating electricity from hog waste

( —Capturing methane gas from hog farms and piping it into existing natural gas pipelines may be a cost-effective way to meet North Carolina's Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard (REPS), according ...

Using wastewater as fertilizer

Sewage sludge, wastewater and liquid manure are valuable sources of fertilizer for food production. Fraunhofer researchers have now developed a chemical-free, eco-friendly process that enables the recovered salts to be converted ...

Food industry waste becomes profitable biogas

Huge gains can be made by using waste from the food industry for biogas production, no matter whether the biogas is used in vehicles or to produce electricity and heat. This is the conclusion of researchers from the Biogas ...

Less water beneficial in biogas production

When organic waste is turned into biogas, water is usually an important component of the process. This results in a high water and energy consumption and a lot of residue. Doctoral student Regina Jijoho Patinvoh at the University ...

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