Nanotech weapon against chronic bacterial infections in hospitals

One of the scourges of infections in hospitals—biofilms formed by bacteria that stick to each other on living tissue and medical instruments, making them harder to remove—can be tricked into dispersing with the targeted ...

New technique could prevent dangerous biofilms on catheters

Biofilms frequently coat the surfaces of catheters, and of various medical implants and prostheses, where they can cause life-threatening infections. New research at the Sahlgrenska Academy show that coating implants with ...

Chemists turn bacterial molecules into potential drug molecules

Yan-Yeung Luk, associate professor of chemistry, and his research team have published their findings in ChemBioChem, explaining how they have created molecules that mimic and dominate toxic ones secreted by bacteria. The ...

Mechanical forces control the architecture of bacterial biofilms

As hide-outs for bacteria, biofilms cause problems for antibiotic treatment or the cleaning of medical tubes. They contribute to the spreading of antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains. A biofilm is created when bacteria ...

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