Disentangling nature's contributions to international trade

Researchers have developed a multistep process to quantify the dependency of international trade and nature's contributions to people. With their new approach, which has been published in People and Nature, the researchers ...

Australian mosquito species found to target frogs' noses

A pair of environmental and life scientists, one with the University of Newcastle, in Australia, the other the German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research, has found that one species of mosquito native to Australia ...

New fish species found in the Great Barrier Reef

At a time when marine life is disappearing from the world's oceans, researchers are celebrating the discovery of a new species of coral reef fish in the southern waters of the Great Barrier Reef.

Decreasing biodiversity may promote spread of viruses

How are environmental changes, loss of biodiversity, and the spread of pathogens connected? The answer is a puzzle. Scientists from Charité—Universitätsmedizin Berlin in cooperation with the Leibniz-IZW have now described ...

Scientists find banded sand catsharks hiding inside sea sponges

When scientists on board the research vessel (RV) Investigator pulled a large sponge from the ocean in 2017, they noticed a tail fin poking out. They expected to find an eel had wriggled into the sponge. Instead, they discovered ...

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