White rhinos reintroduced to DR Congo national park

Sixteen southern white rhinoceroses have been released into DR Congo's Garamba national park, officials said on Saturday, reintroducing an endangered species that was decimated by poaching.

Life on land and water teeters between haves and have-nots

In the race to make the world more livable for people and nature, progress on land outpaced successes in the seas, raising red flags that wealthier countries' advantages may be upsetting a balance, a Michigan State University ...

What role do forests play as a feeding habitat for honeybees?

Bees are generally associated with flowering meadows rather than with dense forests. Woodland, however, is considered the original habitat of the western honeybee (Apis mellifera), as it offers nesting sites in the form of ...

Conservation ambitions must be set higher

A full 50% of Earth's surface must remain vegetated if humanity is to meet international goals for maintaining essentials such as food, clean water, and air, according to new research published in Conservation Biology.

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