Toward dissolvable electronics for implants and sensors

Tiny electronic sensors and devices that can be implanted in the body and then dissolve almost without a trace are getting closer to reality. Scientists have tested several biodegradable materials, including DNA, proteins ...

Researchers develop new way to manufacture nanofibers

Researchers at the University of Georgia have developed an inexpensive way to manufacture extraordinarily thin polymer strings commonly known as nanofibers. These polymers can be made from natural materials like proteins ...

New silicon peptide biopolymers

Copolymers made from synthetic and biomimetic components open new and interesting perspectives as biocompatible, biodegradable materials that can also be given biological functionality. In the journal Angewandte Chemie, French ...

A renewable bioplastic made from squid proteins

In the central Northern Pacific is an area that may be the size of Texas called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Made up of tons of floating plastic debris, the patch is killing seabirds and poisoning marine life in the North ...

Fewer surgeries with degradable implants

Until now, in cases of bone fracture, doctors have used implants made of steel and titanium, which have to be removed after healing. To spare patients burdensome inter- ventions, researchers are working on a bone substitute ...

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