Yahoo! increases US search share, Bing up again

Yahoo! increased its share of the US search market by nearly a percentage point in April and Microsoft's new search engine Bing also recorded a slight gain, online tracking firm comScore said Tuesday.

Google refines search results to counter Microsoft

(AP) -- Google Inc. is giving Web surfers a few more ways to refine their search results, signaling its resolve to ward off rival Microsoft Corp.'s aggressive campaign to lure traffic.

Microsoft's Bing increases US search share

Microsoft's new search engine Bing posted a slight increase in its share of the US search market in August, the third month in a row of modest gains, according to online tracking firm comScore.

Microsoft swaps pictures for text in some searches

(AP) -- Microsoft Corp. is testing a way to display some search results as galleries of moveable images instead of text links, part of its ongoing attempt to differentiate its Bing search engine from Google.

Google users loyal: comScore

The planned Microsoft-Yahoo! online search tie-up has promise but must overcome people's fierce loyalty to market king Google, industry tracker comScore said Friday.

Microsoft sees size as search answer in Yahoo deal

(AP) -- Microsoft is hoping that a long-term partnership with rival Yahoo will give it the size and insight it needs to bring in more traffic, more advertisers and ultimately more revenue.

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