Small protein, big impact: ProQ found to aid in DNA repair

Meningococci are bacteria that can cause life-threatening meningitis and sepsis. These pathogens use a small protein with a large impact: The RNA-binding protein ProQ is involved in the activation of more than 250 bacterial ...

Searching the COVID-19 spike protein for a potential vaccine

The virus that causes COVID-19 is studded on its exterior with "spike proteins," a key component in its ability to infect human cells. Two University of Georgia researchers, Rob Woods and Parastoo Azadi, are investigating ...

'Strange' glimpse into neutron stars and symmetry violation

New results from precision particle detectors at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) offer a fresh glimpse of the particle interactions that take place in the cores of neutron stars and give nuclear physicists a new ...

Researchers slash pre-drug screening time from years to days

Researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) and The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HU) have developed a powerful tool that will streamline and accelerate the development of disease therapies, transforming a multi-year ...

The surprising individuality of microRNAs

In order for the instructions contained within a gene to ultimately execute some function in the body, the nucleotides, or letters, that make up the gene's DNA sequence must be "read" and used to produce a messenger RNA (mRNA). ...

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