Did this supernova explode twice?

All supernovae are exploding stars. But the nature of a supernova explosion varies quite a bit. One type, named Type 1a supernovae, involves a binary star where one of the pair is a white dwarf. And while supernovae of all ...

New massive brown dwarf discovered

Astronomers report the discovery of a new massive brown dwarf using the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF). The newly detected object is about 80 times more massive than Jupiter and orbits a low-mass star. The finding was detailed ...

Eclipsing binary detected in the open cluster NGC 2232

Using NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), European astronomers have discovered an eclipsing binary in the open cluster NGC 2232. The binary, designated TIC 43152097, is the first such system detected in this ...

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