PALFA survey reveals eight new millisecond pulsars

An international team of astronomers has reported the discovery of eight new millisecond pulsars in the PALFA (Pulsar Arecibo L-band Feed Array) survey. All of the newly detected pulsars were found to have orbiting companions. ...

Europe and US teaming up for asteroid deflection

Asteroid researchers and spacecraft engineers from the US, Europe and around the world will gather in Rome next week to discuss the latest progress in their common goal: an ambitious double-spacecraft mission to deflect an ...

Image: X-raying a galaxy's stellar remnants

This colourful spread of light specks is in fact a record of extremely powerful phenomena taking place in a galaxy known as Messier 83, or M83. Located some 15 million light-years away, M83 is a barred spiral galaxy, not ...

Scientists discover a new type of pulsating star

Scientists can tell a lot about a star by the light it gives off. The color, for example, reveals its surface temperature and the elements in and around it. Brightness correlates with a star's mass, and for many stars, brightness ...

Astronomers observe the awakening of a Be/X-ray binary

Using ESA's XMM-Newton space telescope, astronomers have spotted bright X-ray outbursts emitted by a Be/X-ray binary known as A0538−66. The discovery marks the ending of an over three-decade-long period of quiescence of ...

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