Observations inspect X-ray radiation from Vela X-1

Using the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE), an international team of astronomers has conducted X-ray polarimetric observations of an accreting X-ray pulsar known as Vela X-1. Results of the observational campaign, ...

Astronomers detect two new polars

Using multiple telescopes, astronomers have detected two new magnetic cataclysmic variable systems of the polar subclass and determined their fundamental properties. The finding, which could help us better understand the ...

Chromo-encryption method uses color to encode information

In a new approach to security that unites technology and art, EPFL researchers have combined silver nanostructures with polarized light to yield a range of brilliant colors, which can be used to encode messages.

Researchers detect a new molecular bubble–outflow structure

The process of star formation interacts with the surrounding environment and produces observable dynamical phenomena, such as outflows and bubbles, collectively known as stellar feedbacks. As one of the primary sources of ...

Astronomers detect a second planet orbiting two stars

Planets orbiting binary stars are in a tough situation: They have to contend with the gravitational pull of two separate stars. Planetary formation around a single star like our sun is relatively straightforward compared ...

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